What is Honeydew or Forest Honey?

Honeydew honey is known to be one of the most unique, most intriguingly exotic honeys in the world. It has been acclaimed as a special honey even among the specialties.

What is Honeydew or Forest Honey?
Honeydew on Leaf

Forest honey tends to be darker, amber to brown, even sometimes black. It is described as full-bodied and silky smooth. Some say a distinct aroma of the woods, a malty, earthy flavor and sometimes tangy notes. Honeydew honey pairs perfect with cheeses and is an ideal drizzle for salads, desserts and Greek yoghurts.  Honeydew honey (also known as forest honey) comes from forests. Forests attract aphids which eat the sap on the bark for protein building blocks, amino acids and then secrete sugar-like substance on the trees which sparkles in the sunlight, hence the name “honeydew”. The bees love the honeydew and feed on it to culminate into an absolutely spectacular and 100% organic end product, making it uniquely different from regular honey made from the flower blossom nectar most of us know.

Heightened Health Benefits

This honey contains a higher antioxidant, antibacterial activity level, mineral content and greater nutritional and therapeutic benefits than most regular flower honey.

“Honeydew honey has a higher amino acid composition and disease-fighting antioxidant capacity.” ~ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007.

“Honeydew honey contains higher phenolic content responsible for the anti-bacterial activity compared to the other honeys.” ~ Agriculture and Life Sciences Division at Lincoln University, New Zealand 2006

“The bioactive compounds content of honeydew honey is very high, comparing to other types of honey. Its antibacterial activity is evidenced by the bacterial growth inhibition for 10 strains of Staphyloccocus aureus.” ~ University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 2008.